Chapter Fifteen – Dimitri’s Past, Clean Version

“I want to make a stop before we head out,” he tells me. I’m getting excited just thinking about a whole day with Dimitri without worrying about anyone else keeping us apart. I follow Dimitri out to the garage where all the cars are. My parents have approved our outing, just the two of us.

“So are you going to tell me where your taking me?” I ask.

“It’s a surprise, your just going to have to be patient,” he says smoothly.

Looking over he’s so calm as a small smile plays on his lips. I find myself squirming in my seat. We pull up to a house that I don’t recognize. He parks the car then walks around to my side. “Were here, ” he says as he helps me out of the car. 

I follow him into the house that seems empty. He turns and locks the door then leads me into another room. He pulls me into his arms then kisses me gently on the lips. It’s moments like these that make the days apart from each other worth it.

As he kisses me all the thoughts of Ann disappear from my mind.

I feel so loved, he truly loves me. I’m on cloud nine and this man is my world. I would do anything for him. I will make a way to be with him. I don’t want to hide my love for him anymore. I want the whole world to know he’s mine.

He is so sweet and gentle when it comes to me that it makes my heart race. I love spending intimate times with him.”Where have you been all my life?” he whispers as he rubs his nose down mine. All I can do is grin up at him. He says the most heart warming things to me.

As I lay in his arms, I try to think of a way to convince my parents to change the law, so I can be with Dimitri. As I listen to his heart, a thought occurs to me, he’s never told me about the girl before me. I want to know, but deep down in my heart I know why he wont talk about her. Maybe he will tell me about her now. I look up at him and think of how I’m going to try to ask him without making him mad. “Dimitri, will you tell me about her now?” I ask. “Why do you need to know?” he asks. “I just would like to know, please tell me,” I plead. He takes a deep breath in then sighs. His face is now full of strain as he thinks.

“I was young, straight out of school. Her name is Lilly, we were both guardian’s, training to join the royal guards. We had trained together for a few years before we graduated. We had both been accepted into the royal guard program, but had not left yet to start our training. Still at the base, we were enjoying the time off we had.

“She was the first real relationship I had ever had, she was my first….,” he trials off. I can see the hurt in his eyes as he gathers his thoughts. She must have broke his heart, the thought is heartbreaking. I can feel the jealous side of me rearing it’s ugly head when I think about him kissing and making love to her. I can’t let this get to me, I got to let him tell me without showing any emotions. “Go on,” I urge him. “The night we finally got off, we were hanging together in my room and that’s when they attacked.

“The sounds of fighting broke out, followed by screams. Before I could get to the door, it came busting inward. There was a strange women with red eyes and pale skin that entered the room. I still can remember the smirk she had on her face as she approached me. She moved fast, and before I knew it, she was on me. I was fighting with everything I had but she was getting the best of me. We were trained and no one was even close to what this girl was like. I will spare you the details but something distracted her,” he says as he sighs. My mouth drops open, this is not what I was expecting at all.

“It was Lilly, she came in and I could hear her scream from across the room. She took in the sight of everyone and what was going on,” he continues. I watched a man that came in right behind her, rush toward her. I was still fighting when they collided. She fought hard but…………….,” he said then stopped in silence.

“She was knocked across the room before she had time to react. I tried to break free from the girl that was attacking me, but the man was already there,” he says. I look up at Dimitri, he’s white as a ghost. I think I have stopped breathing by this point.

“I watched her fight with everything she had. She kicked him and punched him with no effect at all. The man just grinned at her, then he grabbed her by her neck, holding her there while she struggled against his grasp. Lilly fought till her last breath, as I dodged the women’s blows. I took a hard kick to the ribs , causing me to fall to the ground. When I looked up, I saw that man snap her neck, then he tossed her aside like she was nothing. I was froze as I staired at her lifeless body laying on the floor,” he paused then takes another breath.

 “I got to my feet, fighting the women that was getting enjoyment from my pain. She was toying with me by the smile that she had on her face. She flipped her hair, then walked out of the room, leaving me standing there. My first mistake was, I let my guard down when I ran over to Lilly that was laying lifeless on the floor. I didn’t get two feet from her when I felt a sickening blow to the back of my head,” he tells me.

“I fell to the ground as everything started to go dark. That’s when I blacked out. They must have thought I was dead, because when I woke up they were gone…………………,” he chokes out.

“Everyone was dead and she laid lifeless right there beside me on the floor. I pulled her into my arms hoping it was all a bad dream, that she would wake up, but her life was already gone from this world. That is why I never got involved with anyone else, that’s why I’m so serious about what I do. I don’t want them to hurt anyone else, so I trained hard to learn how to defeat them,” he tells me. “Who are they?” I ask. 

“Night Walkers, the ones with the red eyes,” he answers. I gasp in shock, the same red eyes I saw in my nightmares could be the ones responsible for my sisters death.

I pull him tighter to me, this is not what I was expecting for him to tell me. I’m stunned, here I was feeling jealous of a girl that he loved, to only find out that she was murdered right in front of him. Now I feel bad for even asking, even though it lays a lot of my fears to rest. I know this memory has haunted him since the day it happened. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” I whisper. “I know you were curious about my past, and I knew that one day I would need to tell you about her. I was trying to get up enough courage to even tell you. I want you to know even though it hurts to talk about it. You are my future, she’s was my past, I’ve learned to move forward,” he tells me as he strokes my hair.

Author: jameesnuffer

I'm a writer, creator of sims stories and fantasy books. I work as a Nurse Assistant in a SICU unit. I'm also going to college to get my Registered Nurse degree. I have two kids, my son which just turned 19, and my daughter is fifteen. My daughter has Rett's Syndrome, which is a full time job within it's self. Between her dad and me, we get the job done.

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