Missing – Chapter Eight

After hearing the commotion downstairs I had to take a look to see what was going on. As I came to the doorway to the main hall, I could see Dimitri, Chris, Sandy, and my parents talking about something.

“Are you definitely sure?” my father asked Sandy. “Yes it’s been confirmed,” she replied to him. I didn’t know what they were talking about but whatever it was, it had both my parents upset.

“Hanna and her boyfriend are missing, but the guardians were not so lucky. His guardians had their throats ripped out, there was blood everywhere! I should have never agreed to let Jacob take watch, it is all my fault!” she explained. My father became pale and bewildered, almost breaking down into tears.

My mother went on a frantic rampage of emotions, first crying, then screaming. They eventually helped her to her room to see if they could calm her, while they summoned the doctor. I stood there watching as everything started to fall apart. I wasn’t sure what was going on, all I knew is it was bad.  

I wanted to get closer to hear what they were saying when I bumped into the shelf by the door. Dimitri turned in my direction with a grim look on his face.  

“Go tell Emily what’s going on while I help organize the search team,” I hear Dimitri tell Chris.

Chris joined me in the living room with a grave face. “What’s going on? Where’s Hanna?” I asked. “After you got home from school today, your sister and her boyfriends car was found only a hour ago. Your sisters guard and her boyfriends guards were murdered,” he was explaining until I cut him off. “What about my sister,” I demanded. “Well that’s the thing, they haven’t found her or her boyfriend their still searching but haven’t found any leads yet,” he explained.

“Why would anyone do something so horrible?” I asked. “We’re not sure, probably for money or something like that. I’m sure they will call or send a letter demanding something soon,” he tries to reassure me.

I began to panic, my heart was racing, threatening to jump out of my chest as I imagined the worst. I couldn’t hardly breath by this point.

The tears began to run down my cheeks, as my entire body grew numb. 

I felt my knees go weak as I crumbled down to the ground.

Chris didn’t know what to do with me, I was crying and sobbing uncontrollable. I felt like someone had just ripped me apart. I started to get really dizzy with spots dancing in my vision when Dimitri appeared and bent down pulling me into his arms. I buried my face into his chest and cried.

“It’s OK, they will find her,” he whispered. I don’t know what it was about Dimitri but he had a way of calming me. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around him tighter as I found a bit of comfort from the pain. 

Dimitri picked me up out of the floor pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck while resting my chin on his shoulder. “It’s going to be ok, we will find your sister,” he whispered into my ear. He was the comfort I needed at that moment. 

He took me to my room, placing me on the bed. He then walked over to one of my chairs, pulling it up next to the bed. “Sleep,” he demanded. “I can’t while she’s out there all alone,” I replied between my sobs. “She’s not alone, her boyfriend is with her. I’ll stay right here, so try and rest,” he told me trying to comfort me, but I couldn’t relax. I wish I could tap into her thoughts or feelings so I could find her. I closed my eyes hoping that I could feel her. I knew she was alive, but for how long I wasn’t sure.

Author: jameesnuffer

I'm a writer, creator of sims stories and fantasy books. I work as a Nurse Assistant in a SICU unit. I'm also going to college to get my Registered Nurse degree. I have two kids, my son which just turned 19, and my daughter is fifteen. My daughter has Rett's Syndrome, which is a full time job within it's self. Between her dad and me, we get the job done.

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